Date: July 4-7, 2002
This trip is one of many firsts for me. This is the first Anime Expo. After going to Star Trek cons and BayCon and then Fanime this was the next logical step I guess. :) The other first is that I'll be wearing a costume. Eek. :O Yah, going to a Star Trek con with a Next Gen combadge doesn't count.
Anyway, here are the pics I took... enjoy.
Here are some pictures that are in theme, all from Final Fantasy 8.
This is the first time I've dressed up as Squall but it was cool having people come up and ask for my picture. It was also fun to find other FF characters and posing with them to make a complete set!
Ok so these don't match the game, but we're all still in the Final Fantasy family. Hey, how the heck did Urd get in there...
There's actually a really funny story about this Lulu. Melanie was wearing the traditional Lulu outfit with the long belt gown. While I was walking from the theater back to the convention center, I was actually behind her on the sidewalk and she had a really hard time maneuvering the curbs. Anyway, so she changed to a mini-skirted Lulu. She was just as popular with the photographers. :)
It seems Melanie has a thing for bright shiny objects. Oh did I mention this was at about 2am in the morning? :)
And what's a anime con without more Final Fantasy!
I've seen them around for a while now. They were cool and allowed me to take photos with them. I even saw them at the dance Saturday in normal clothes. Oooh a really cool Guardian Force (GF) Shiva. These group of girls were great. They are basically the entire female cast of FFVIII. I got to pose with them too. Woohoo!
More Final Fantasy Group Cosplay.
Oooh, some really magnificent Yuna in her wedding dress and Maester Seymour.
This is Tran who I met briefly Saturday night. She has a really cool story about the hair extensions she used for her Lulu costume. It seems that her mom had saved her long hair that she had cut off when she was younger. The original reason? Who knows... but she went ahead and used the hair for the extensions. So technically that is all of her hair!
Also, when she was waiting to enter the masquerade to start seating. she was auctioning off her dark Auron! I think he went for $3. :)
Also someone there was really cool and dressed up as Cactar!
A couple different variations of Aeris and she's with Tifa! Squall and Rinoa getting younger and younger... Some great FFX costumes. One group had the entire cast from FFX including some of the minor NPCs. They were great!
Yay! Aki Ross from FF: The Movie. She and a group of FF characters did a Thriller skit at the Masquerade. It was hilarious! :D
Oooo, amazing Kuja costume with Ramirez from Skies of Arcadia. Wow, the entire family cosplaying! More FF characters!