May 23-26, 2003
Well it's another year, so that means another
BayCon! This is a local
sci-fi/fantasy convention. It's a pretty cool small con which is a
lot of fun. The most valuable thing I get out of BayCon is the
ultra-anal costuming panels. They are just really great in helping
you do costumes of any genre.
Here are some pictures. Enjoy! :)
This is the first day of the con, so there aren't that many costumers
on Friday. You can see a lot of people just arriving and setting up.
But there were a few people in costume and of course some local
friends. :)
Oh so the most memorable moment of BayCon, and probably any
con I've been too...
I was walking down the hall in my
Squall costume. This women, dressed in
black corset, stockings with a guy on a leash behind her. She walks
by me and says... "Mmmm Squall."
I couldn't stop blushing... X-O
This is a really cool costume, from nothing in particular. The
robotic parrot is really cool and eats coins! :D
Cool balloon hat!
It wouldn't be BayCon without Klingons wandaring the halls.
Trinity from The Matrix posing in her signature "Reloaded" pose.
Trinity vs BloodRayne!
Klingon with BloodRayne. I guess they bond pretty well. :D
Yah, this isn't a weird crossover, Klingons with Squall from Final
Fantasy. Actually they were really cool!*
Trinity, BloodRayne and Sakaki... and the strangeness begins...
BloodRayne being debonaire, and looking around in the con suite for a
snack and we're not talking about the chips and salsa! 8-o
Very nice Storm Trooper armor
And I guess someone thought so too... ;-)
A very impressive line up of costumers from Battlestar Galactica!
There's also an original series Romulan in the group, though I goofed
and called her a Klingon. 8-O She promised to kill me tomorrow... -_-
Very nice ladies with absolutely beautiful dresses. Unfortunatly,
this picture doesn't do them justice. Those dresses were made to be
seen in person.